Speed Shop Specials at Hires Automotive Center
in Fort Wayne, IN
“Hires, For You and Your Car.”
Hires Automotive Center Offers
Great Speed Service
Find speed shop specials at Hires Automotive Center in Fort Wayne, IN. Joe Haines has been running our speed shop for more than 25 years. His knowledge and service is second to none. Joe is at the forefront of the performance industry. He strives to give you the finest performance parts at competitive prices, along with his priceless service and advice.
Sometimes, you want more out of your car than the factory standard. Joe is here to give your vehicle that something extra with our multiple performance tuning options, using resources and experience. If you have the need for speed, drive into Hires Automotive Center where you will be GOOD TO GO. For more information, call us at (260) 489-5734, (260) 489-4480 (call only, no messaging), (260) 484-0226 or message us online.